Water-based processed and alkoxide-based processed indium oxide thin-film transistors at different annealing temperatures
Water-based processed and alkoxide-based processed indium oxide thin-film transistors at different annealing temperatures,Ferromagnetism in Two-Dimensional TMD Materials via Doping, Phase Transition and Defect Engineering | SpringerLink,Controllable synthesis of sea urchin-like Cu–Au bimetallic nanospheres and their utility as efficient catalyst for hydrogenation of 4-nitrophenol - ScienceDirect,Water-based processed and alkoxide-based processed indium oxide thin-film transistors at different annealing temperatures,Enhancing metal–support interaction by in situ ion-exchanging strategy for high performance Pt catalysts in hydrogen evolution reaction - Journal of Materials Chemistry A (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D0TA02681F